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Friday 28 July 2017

How to break sugar addiction

Insomnia, regular breakouts, craving for sweet and exhausted taste buds may be an indicator that you are suffering from a sugar addiction.

 Sugar addiction can leads to overweight and obesity. Excessive sugar consumption in different forms destroys body systems generally.

Acne is an indication that there is too much sugar in the diet, damage to the skin proteins, collagen and elastin, leading to premature wrinkles and aging.

Change in taste bud; taste buds are addicted to sweet foods and may not want any food that is not sweet.

Diet high in sugar can increase cancer growth; tumors used sugar as energy to mutate and spread across the body.

Bacteria in the mouth feeds on sugars which creates harmful acids causing tooth decay, destroy tooth enamel and form hole in the tooth.

The pancreas releases insulin to transfer glucose to the cell's after consuming sugar, the higher the sugar peak, the more extreme the sugar dip that will follow.

Sugar interrupts the supply of important neurotransmitter precursors through the blood-brain barrier - and particularly ones that help produce serotonin and dopamine, which influence mood.

Excess sugar consumption decrease the amount of good cholesterol in the bloodstream and increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the body, leading to heart disease.

The liver struggles to process excessive amounts of sugar. The unprocessed sugars are converted to fat calls, which are distributed throughout the body. It can leads to obesity.

Too much sugar in the body can cause bacteria to move from the colon to the small intestine, proliferate on the foods digesting in the small intestine and cause bloating, acid reflux, gas and abdominal cramping.

Sugar can be remove from the body by replacing process foods with whole foods and by replacing all processed drinks with water.

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